


DESIGN OF PAVEMENT USING IRC ETHOD:IRC 37:2012 1.DETAILS REQUIRED FOR FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT DESIGN: A=Initial Traffic  after completion road construction (CVPD) P=Traffic intensity @last traffic count(7days ,24hrsclassified traffic ) r=Annual growth rate of commecial vechicles refer IRC:37 FOR THIS VALUE   OR Take (7.5%for rurual roads,10% for urban roads) x=Construction periods of roads  n=Design life in years(for National highways=15years)                                        for express &urban=20years                                        for other roads=10-15yrs D=lane distributiom f=vehicle damage factor 2.DESIGN OF FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT (IRC:37-2012):  N=Cumulative no.of standard AXLE(Msa___million STD AXLE) N=365*A*((1+r)^n-1/r)*D*F (for D&F values refer I...

Component parts of Theodolite with explanation of each part and functions

                                           THEODOLITE             OBJECTIVE: The main objective of theodolite is to measure both the horizontal and vertical angles. *Based on transiting theodolites are of two types:  1.Transit surveying   2.Non-Transit surveying NOTE: Transiting mean rotating,as theodolite can be rotated in horizontal and vertical planes it is called transit theodolite.And which can be used only to measure horizontal angles it is called non-transit theodolite. COMPONENTS PARTS OF THEODOLITE: PARTS OF THEODOLITE 1.HORIZONTAL ANGLE;Measured with horizontal scale of vernier A&B.Horizontal angle measures from (0-360)°.vernier A&B is attached to upper plate A&B.  Mainscale-least count __20',0°,0'{20minutes}           Vernier scale-least count__20",0',0"{2...

What is basic defination of surveying to answer?

It is the science and an art of making suitable measurements to determine the relative position of points on the surface of earth, by making ' linear and angular measurements' . s urveying is the art of obtaining preliminary natural information for proper planning and designing of a structure to achieve the successful life span. DIVISION OF SURVEYING:      1 .Plane surveying :   If the curvature of earth is not considered than it is called plane surveying.It is for small areas of 200km2 or distances of 18.5KM.      2. Geodetic surveying :   If the curvature of earth is considered than it is called geodetic surveying.It is used for large areas were accuracy is needed.

What is Civil engineering?

Civil engineers  conceive, design, build, supervise, operate, construct, and maintain infrastructure projects and systems in the public and private sector, including roads, buildings, airports, tunnels, dams, bridges, and systems for water supply and sewage treatment. "The civil engineer is one who creates the artifcial structure or buildings  by using            natural materials that  be useful for the needs of human economic growth."