Component parts of Theodolite with explanation of each part and functions
THEODOLITE OBJECTIVE: The main objective of theodolite is to measure both the horizontal and vertical angles. *Based on transiting theodolites are of two types: 1.Transit surveying 2.Non-Transit surveying NOTE: Transiting mean rotating,as theodolite can be rotated in horizontal and vertical planes it is called transit theodolite.And which can be used only to measure horizontal angles it is called non-transit theodolite. COMPONENTS PARTS OF THEODOLITE: PARTS OF THEODOLITE 1.HORIZONTAL ANGLE;Measured with horizontal scale of vernier A&B.Horizontal angle measures from (0-360)°.vernier A&B is attached to upper plate A&B. Mainscale-least count __20',0°,0'{20minutes} Vernier scale-least count__20",0',0"{2...